IWD: Zenith Bank Showcases What It Took Women To Give To The World In A Video Message, Showing Solidarity
The Oasis Reporters
March 9, 2022
By Greg Abolo
In a recent article by Kenyan academic, Maina wa Mutonya of Pwani University, she opined that “women face a host of obstacles that include a lack of financial resources; gender-based violence; gender stereotyping; and patriarchal structures across society”.
In light of Mutonya’s statement against the background of the International Women’s Day that is celebrated every March 8, one would dare to say, kudos should go to this phenomenal financial institution, Zenith Bank Plc over the special recognition given to the feminine gender to ‘break the bias’ and forge ahead in progress.
Watch the video:
From the car screen to eye glasses, disposable diapers to birthing humanity, syringes in hospitals to a host of other inventions, see the amazing inputs of women to humanity.
That is why Zenith Bank is “committed to creating equal opportunities, breaking gender-based bias and promoting an all inclusive environment”.
Indeed those who watch Nigeria’s most profitable bank know it, that women are substantial contributors to the rise and rise of the global brand, Zenith Bank.
Besides, in the information age that has put the knowledge and work economy that gives equal footing to every gender, it is time to ‘break the bias’ for societal progress.
Igbos would say, “a girl is also good”, (nwanyi dim ma). Let the feminine gender take her place.