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Ndokwa Delta Lady In Boko Haram Captivity Cries To Her Father For Help, Rescue From Impending Death (Video)

The Oasis Reporters

April 15, 2024







Ndokwa Delta State lady in tears, speaks in video to her father that they are facing death urging for a solution to be found.




Terrorist in army fatigues, in the midst of the distraught captives somewhere in Northern Nigeria.




Some of the male captives have been shot in the leg and are bleeding. Perhaps to prevent them from fleeing.


Sy Marcus Herve Traore @marcus_herve reposted a frightening video by Ben Bella @BenDiaspora on the plea of Boko Haram captives in the forest pleading for solution to the seeming death awaiting them.


On Apr 14, Ay Marcus Herve Traore said
“It’s the terrorists reigning as the real masters of the places they occupy. As you can see, they take civilians as hostages and they are probably Boko Haram”.


Follow the link to X (Twitter), and watch the video:



While watching the heart-rending video, we noticed that the language being spoken by one of the tearful hostages is Ukwuani, a language of the Ndokwa people of Delta State. It is primarily a farming region with a criss-cross of rivers and creeks, a place where there is so much hardship which has made many of its indigenous people seek greener pastures outside the region.

Despite the obvious trauma the lady is in, she cried out to her father in her native language seeking for solution as they seem to be facing death in the hands of northern Nigerian terrorists who have held the region in it’s vice grip as they roam the largely ungoverned vast region that has insufficient government presence to check insecurities in the region.


A peaceful northern Nigeria has the great potential of becoming very prosperous in agricultural endeavors because of its vast landmass but has as its greatest bane, insecurity dogging its steps.

Consequently, northern Nigeria is mired in avoidable poverty with millions of its impressionable children begging for food in tattered clothes from morning till night. Those homeless, hungry and angry little children remain the main feedstock that endlessly fuel the insecurity that has become a part of the north of Nigeria.

Food unavailability has largely helped to break family cohesion asunder which further exacerbates the gloom and disorientation in the society that may escalate to other regions to cause more insecurity not only in Nigeria but the West African sub continent at large.

The armed forces of Nigeria has been waging a seemingly unending battle to tame insecurity but it’s efforts seem to have had very limited success as kidnappings, executions, arson, banditry and low level war is imposed on the region.

Colonial rule with the associated fight to end slave trade was the first major attempt to end the brutality of insecurity in the region by the British colonialists which was a major success.

Two books lend credence to this theory as Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa (Nigeria’s first Prime Minister noted in an essay that he wrote as a primary school teacher before going into politics in the 1940/50s.

He said that the region used to suffer from the incursions of slave raiders who he identified as Fulani gangs. But at the turn of the century, the raids stopped. That was before they knew that a new sheriff was in town and British colonialists had arrived. They brutally brought slave hunting and trading to an end.

Another book by Samuel Ajayi Crowther who later became an African bishop detailed how his family was raided and his community devastated in present day Oyo State by those he called Fulani marauders and they were sold into slavery.

But he was lucky. The ship he was in was intercepted by a British gunboat and they were instead taken to Sierra Leone as freed slaves.

Further reading of archival books on history detailed how the British kept warning the emirs and kings in northern Nigeria who were in the habit of leading slave raiding gangs to stop. Those who did not, eventually were pacified and sent to jail in Lokoja, Nigeria’s first capital after the amalgamation of the north and south to become one country.

None of the jailed emirs ever came back. They died and were buried in Lokoja. That ended the insecurity people suffered from.


But over the years from one government to the other, the specter of insecurity has reared it’s ugly head and is now adopted by criminally minded folks in other tribes like the Kanuri and others in different forms with religious and ethnic colourations to perpetuate an unwholesome phenomenon that the British eliminated over a hundred years ago.

Now under the much weakened security apparatchik with underlying corruption, insecurity is back in full force and ransom payments with collections have become a booming business in Nigeria’s underground.

A Nigerian leader who was fought tooth and nail by political leaders with the sense of entitlement, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan at a point engaged mercenaries from South Africa who within a few months recorded breakthroughs in pushing back terrorists and reclaimed territories back as a major pushback, was removed from office through a democratic election and his security network was dismantled as the mercenaries were sent packing.


Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. He had a grip on the issue by recognizing that Boko Haram had infiltrated into his government, so he engaged outside mercenaries from South Africa and thus started the pushback. He lost the election and insecurity came back in full force.

It’s obvious that another look at security with high tech components needs to be put in place by possibly incorporating outside consultants to ensure that kidnappers and bandits get a chase hot enough to let people be free to go about their businesses thus making Nigeria free and prosperous. It’s about time.

Greg Abolo

Blogger at The Oasis Reporters.

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