Political Hygiene Demands That Umahi Should Appeal Or Go Home, Rather Than Disparage The Judge

The Oasis Reporters
March 10, 2022

By Charles Ogbu
Letter to Dear Governor Dave Umahi,
When a court makes a ruling, even if the judge were under the influence of Mkpulu-mmiri while delivering the ruling, the only option you have is to either obey it or file an appeal. That is how it works.
Going to the Press to disparage a Judge for doing his job makes you come across as politically immature and completely ignorant of what democracy entails. Irresponsible, even!
Some of our politicians certainly need some tutorial on political hygiene, discipline and democratic tenets.
Umahi, do you not have a legal team that counsels you?
Look at the kind of illiterate arguments you are said to be making?
Sir, you are better off going to file a motion for stay of execution of that judgement sacking you, your Excellency or else, e go do you like Indian film when your security details will vanish without warning and another will take his place even if he files an appeal. Everything no be gra-gra ooo