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Failed RSA Politicians, Their Need For immigrants As Buffer And Failure Of Nigerian Leaders To Welcome Evacuees


The Oasis Reporters

September 14, 2019

One wonders why President Buhari or Vice President Osinbajo failed to personally show up at the airport to welcome Nigeria’s evacuees from South Africa back home.

It’s bad enough that they didn’t take the initiative to evacuate the victims or have the Air Nigeria to do it. If one may ask again, why couldn’t they even show up to welcome them home when Air Peace rescued them?
When the American Embassy hostages in Teheran, Iran were finally allowed to leave the country on a day that then President Jimmy Carter was handing over to President Ronald Reagan, the first executive act of Ronald Reagan was to ask Jimmy Carter to fly to the US military base to welcome the hostages back home.

That was truly and elegantly presidential.

But here, If it was Dapchi schoolgirls, they’d have been flown with Airforce planes to Aso Villa for a photo op. These are your rulers!
When 3 Americans were released by N.Korea, Trump & the 1st lady were at the airport at 3am to receive them.

The problem with Buhari is that he lacks the ability to even pretend to care.
Politics is part Production, Performance, Proactivity, Promotion & Perception. A week ago, most Nigerians did not know who the head of Air Peace but they all knew the head of the failed Air Nigeria. By his singular act of Proactivity, Production & Performance where a President failed, Onyema showed the nation true Patriotism in a week when even the Tribunal traumatized our citizenry.

Secondly, it doesn’t make sense for a country that despises and demonizes foreigners to stop those foreigners from leaving to escape lynching until you hear this:
1. When I visited South Africa a decade and a half ago, I learnt that the police loved to visit Nigerians on Fridays to shake them down for “weekend money”

2. It’s not just the police. Nigerian visitors landing at Joburg airport were constantly being robbed. South Africans believed they had lots of money and this was generally true. Flights from Lagos in particular were targeted not visitors from other countries.

3. It wasn’t just the police and criminals. The South African government imposed a $5000 deposit for Nigerians visiting South Africa.

4. Finally failed South African politicians need immigrants. They haven’t recovered the people’s lands, majority of which are held by the White minority; they haven’t uplifted the poor. They need someone to blame for their own failure!

Ask yourself this: if the South African government had been working effectively, wouldn’t they have been able to curb criminal activity instead of allowing mobs to lunch innocent people?

Nigeria arrested and charged to court hundreds of people who looted South African-owned stores in Lagos in one day, yet one week later South African lynch mobs are still growing stronger with no one prosecuted.
No wonder the deputy minister of police, the defense minister, the current president and the former president have all made inciting and xenophobic remarks.
If immigrants leave, who will cover their failure? Failures like companions.

Now you know why they’re are stopping the people they love to hate from leaving!
Nigeria & South Africa are Africa’s biggest economies. They are also Africa’s biggest Disappointments.

Written by Emma Ogebe, ESQ.

Ogebe is a Rights lawyer and heads the Nigeria-US Law Group. He writes from Washinton DC, USA

Greg Abolo

Blogger at The Oasis Reporters.

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