Happy Fathers Day: Be like Obaseki. Men Should Have Laughter Times With Their Wives, Even In Public. And Show Love

The Oasis Reporters
June 16, 2024

My name is Greg Abolo and as a blogger, I constantly receive mails from sources to give me information. One of them is the Edo State Government House. I’ve never met them and they don’t know where I am nor have anything to do with me financially or otherwise.
Yet I always publish news about Edo State and look keenly at the photos they send to me each day.
When I saw this photo above amongst the several they sent me on that particular day, I set it apart for use on Father’s Day.
What I saw was a man sharing moments of free laughter with his wife. Just the two of them having a rare moment of laughter during a public occasion. No one else was even smiling. No one else cared. It was just two people showing love outside, and I believe, they do so at home also.
To me, the photo is remarkable.
Have you noticed?
Laughter and fun is fast disappearing in a vast number of homes now in Nigeria. The reason actually is economic.
I’m in my Sixties and have therefore seen many economies in Nigeria. I went to College in the Gowonian days into the Murtala Muhammed days and the General Obasanjo days. Then, things were much better.
When Shagari reigned, things were tolerable. Until Gen. Buhari plotted a coup and toppled Shagari, then he brought in a harsh and disastrous economy.
There was a restructuring under General Babangida who toppled Buhari. Babangida was not perfect but he was a million times better than Buhari. At least he gave enterprising Nigerians the leeway to compete and own many factors of production. That helped to put the economy on a better level, away from the colonial economy that it was. Today we have private Nigerian banks strutting their stuff on the Continental pedestal and even even spreading their wings to compete internationally.
Abacha also played his role. Some good, some bad and some very ugly.
With democratic governance in, Obasanjo came back and he was a watershed in our governance ratings, Nigeria’s best time. God bless him.
His successors, Yar’adua and Goodluck Jonathan continued the watershed platform operation and inflation never rose beyond a single digit. Nigerian fathers had less problems providing food for their families.
For a very strange reason, politicians conspired and forced the disastrous Buhari back and suddenly, the economy started bleeding. The inflation rate jerked up to double digits. For 8 years, Nigerians saw hell. The economy is still bleeding, even under his chosen successor and the inflation keeps rising.
Nigerians are finding it hard to provide for their families. Fathers are running from pillar to post, and those who can, are leaving Nigeria in droves as solutions seem far off.
Many young Nigerian fathers are finding it hard to share moments of laughter with their wives. There’s so much stress in families all over.
But this should not be.
Please fathers, share laughter with your wives and children.
Men who have turned into boxers in their homes using their wives and children as punching bags must desist. The risks in doing this are enormous.
I heard from a Police spokesperson that should any man beat his wife or wife beat a husband, that spouse must ensure that the beaten must stay alive for one year and one day. If the beaten dies within the window period, even if it were from an unrelated cause, the offending culprit is liable to be hanged.
That’s the law.
Please let no one allow this economy to push them into aggression. These are just tough times. Maybe to teach us a lesson. You can vote in an economy destroyer. At least you will gain wisdom.
Please Fathers, you should not use your tongue or actions to destroy your families. God instituted homes. Keep them blessed.
I borrow Numbers 6:23-27 to Speak unto Nigerian fathers and unto their sons, saying, On this wise ye shall bless the Children of the nation and their children, saying unto them,
The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
And they shall put my name upon the children of Nigeria; and I will bless them.
Happy Father’s Day to all Nigerian men who are fathers. Including aspiring fathers to be. It is well with thee.
Greg Abolo.